
All pieces in this gallery are the works of Bonnie JK Sheets. Click the vignette to see the piece or enter the gallery.
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The Physician Physician-- I would like to acknowledge the Lightworkers group that made the introduction for me to such a wonderful and frightening individual. His name is Thedras, and his work is of the most difficult sort. Are we ready to part with old habits? Broken modes? Emotional parasites? I think I'm ready... The anesthetic is in your eyes, and I am trying, daily, to be brave. Underpainting for Thedras, the physician (in color, to come). Waterpencil on masonite. Copyright 2004 Bonnie JK Sheets.
Statuesque drawing Graphite will always be my first love. Statueque will always be one of my favorite works. Created as homage to the greek artists that came before, she represents time out of time... time to rest, time to reflect, time to listen. She asks you to make time for beauty, and take her home. Copyright 1996 Bonnie JK Sheets.
Tuxedo drawing Why is it so easy to fall in love with a man who's totally turned out in a tux? It must be all those classic lines he uses, whether worn or spoken. Those 007 types.... they will catch your eye every time! Copyright 1999, Bonnie JK Sheets.
Discovery drawing Graphite. From the artist's personal collection. How has love worked for you? A few missteps, to be sure. Can you bear the surprise, one more time? Can you trust love?
Copyright, Bonnie JK Sheets.
All Dressed Up drawing

Graphite. From the artist's fashion collection. Copyright, Bonnie JK Sheets.

Study drawing for Timeline

Copyright, Bonnie JK Sheets.

My Unicorn drawing

Copyright, Bonnie JK Sheets.

Palladin drawing

Copyright, Bonnie JK Sheets.